The FDA has approved the first test to monitor blood levels of Everolimus in kidney transplant patients. This is a competitive inhibition assay using a Quantitative Microsphere System (
QMS®). An agglutination reaction between antibody and microsphere particle bound Everolimus is inhibited in the presence of free Everolimus in the patient sample. From this a concentration-dependent classic aggultination inhibition curve can be acquired where a maximum rate of agglutination corresponds with the lowest Everolimus concentration. When evalutated by
Dasgupta et. al the assay produced a direct linear correlation between 1.5 and 20ng/mL and a lower limit of 1.3ng/mL. The researchers also noted a 46% cross-reactivity with sirolimus which is structurally similar to everolimus. The QMS Everolimus Immunoassay from Thermofisher provides a new immunoassay for the routine monitoring of Everolimus in whole blood.